Dr. Michelle Marchant, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education Evaluation of How Well Proposal Objectives Were Met The following are the objectives we proposed to evaluate for this grant. Overall, each of the objectives were evaluated successfully. The majority of teachers at Lakeview chose to participate, but not all. The social studies and literacy […]
A Randomized-Controlled Trial of the Effects of Resistance Training on Body Composition, Strength, Physical Activity, and Body Satisfaction in Postpartum Women
Dr. James LeCheminant, Department of Exercise Sciences Evaluation of how well the academic objectives of the proposal were met The purpose of this study, as submitted to the IRB, was to determine the effects of flexibility or resistance training on body composition, strength, spontaneous physical activity, cardiovascular disease risk factors, bone density, and body satisfaction, […]
BYU Students identify Genetic Factors that Modulate Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Levels and Influence Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
Dr. John Kauwe, Department of Biology Project Justification and Overview Successful enrollment in and completion of graduate programs requires a constellation of skills. Students must be prepared to plan and execute experiments, present their findings both verbally and in manuscript form and interact effectively with senior scientists in the field of their choice. In this […]
Using Cooperative Learning Groups to Research Speciation in Central American Fishes: Integrating Field Work, Molecular Phylogeography, and Video-Playback Behavior Assays
Dr. Jerry Johnson, Department of Biology This mentoring environment grant was awarded in 2010 and was intended to spent over a two year period. The purpose of the project was to provide up to six students with an opportunity to participate in three different research aspects of a single research problem related to understanding speciation. […]
Supramolecular Chemistry for Students
Drs. Roger Harrison, John Lamb, David Dearden, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Evaluation of how well the academic objectives of the proposal were met Students working in the mentoring environment synthesized compounds and worked with separation and mass analyzer instruments. They learned how to make new compounds by organic synthesis and characterize their compounds by […]
Rational design of the metabolite mimics as Novel Antibiotics targeting SAM-I/II Riboswitches
Dr. Young Wan Ham, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Evaluation of how well the academic objectives of the proposal were met In our 2009 MEG application, we have proposed structure-based rational design of metabolite mimics based on S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as novel antibiotics targeting SAM-I/II riboswitches and subsequent development of fluorescence assay to evaluate binding of […]
Validation of a Secondary School Eating Disorder Prevention Curriculum
Dr. Lane Fischer, Department of Counseling Psychology & Special Education Introduction and Overview In winter semseter, 2009, I received a Mentoring Environment Grant (MEG) to study the effectiveness of a secondary school eating disorder prevention curriculum. Four students, Jill Smedley, Rachel McCarty (Doyle) Jenna Johnson (Murray) and Janine Stickney worked as a team to execute […]
Endocannabinoid Enzyme Expression in the Hippocampus
Dr. Jeff Edwards, Department of Physiology & Developmental Biology Evaluation of academic objectives of the proposal The objectives of this award were met, especially in regard to the mentoring focus of the award. The students have been mentored and trained in an effective manner as outlined below. Using this mentoring environment and the experiences gained […]
International Center for Law and Religion Studies
Professor Cole Durham, J. Reuben Clark Law School Last year, Professor Cole Durham received a grant in the amount of $20,000 to help offset the cost of mentoring and training selected law students following their first year of law school. These funds were received and accounted for by the International Center for Law and Religion […]
An Online Bibliography and Index of 19th-Century Music Copyists
Dr. David Day, Department of History Evaluation of Academic Objectives The goals of this project as stated in the original proposal include the following academic objectives: The creation of an online bibliography of research that documents music copyists. Creation of an online prototype index of music copyists’ hands. A joint conference presentation by two BYU […]