Brett Rowberry and Dr. Larry Howell, Mechanical Engineering Normal and right-angled n=6 kaleidocycles are structures composed of six tetrahedra. They are capable of continuous rotation while only requiring 240° of rotation on each joint between adjacent tetrahedra. Because of this fact, kaleidocycles may be made fully compliant with no moving parts. Having continuous rotation in […]
Revisiting the Hebron “Sheep Tablet” Considerations for Late Bronze Age Canaanite Habitation of Hebron
Charles Wilson and Dr. Jeffrey Chadwick, Department of Church History and Doctrine To research the Hebron “Sheep Tablet,” a cuneiform account text recording counts of sheep, goats, and rams, I first found all of the published materials mentioning the text and read them. The tablet is mentioned in seven publications. Finding and reading the published […]
I’m Glad They Called Me On A Mission: What Young Adults Learn From Serving An LDS Mission
Elizabeth Montgomery and Dr. Brent Top, Department of Religious Education Conducting this research project about missionary work in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) has been an interesting and enjoyable adventure. The purpose of this report is to chronicle my experiences and to publish a few of the research conclusions we have reached at this […]
Friends and Enemies in Washington: Insights from a Letter from Joseph F. Smith to Susa Young Gates
Mallory Hales Perry and Dr. David Whitchurch, Department of Ancient Scripture My project, made possible by generous funding through the ORCA grant program, focused on the social and political situation surrounding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the turn of the twentieth century. Along with the help and guidance I received from […]
Low-Stress Suspended Ceramic Thin Films
Kyle Zufelt and Dr. Robert Davis, Department of Physics and Astronomy My research proceeded more or less according to the plan that I proposed. What changed was that I realized there were many more details necessary to work out than what I had included in my proposal. By collaborating with professors in the physics and […]
Dynamics of Self-Enforcing Cooperation in Competitive Environments
Nathan Woodbury and Dr. Sean Warnick, Department of Computer Science Introduction My original purpose in this project was to “explore the nature of self-enforcing policies that induce participation in coalitions within a competitive environment.” In order to do this, I proposed to use a model of a general market of many suppliers. This model was to be […]
Identification of Novel Ribosome Stalling Peptides using the Tat-two Hybrid
Benjamin Van Leeuwen and Dr. Allen Buskirk, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Buskirk discontinued my previous project on discovering novel ribosomal stalling sequences shortly after the start of the semester because of its lack of relevance to more current ribosomal research trends. While there are still an unknown number of stalling sequences that have […]
Attosecond Pulse Generation Centered in the Visible
Daniel Thrasher and Dr. Scott Bergeson, Department of Physics and Astronomy From May through August I had the privilege of traveling to Tsing Hua National University in Taiwan to work in the lab of Professor Andy Kung and associates. The Office of Creative Research awarded me a grant to help cover travel and living expenses. […]
An Explanation of Strange Duality in terms of Landau-Ginzburg Mirror Symmetry
Rachel Suggs and Dr. Tyler Jarvis, Department of Mathematics Suppose you have a physical system that can jump suddenly between two stable states. Then a function modeling the system will have a singularity at the jump. Our singularities will all be dened by polynomials, such as x3y + y5 + z2. Mathematician V.I. Arnol’d studied such singularities in […]
Effect of Field Cooling on Magnetic Domain Memory in Exchange Coupled Thin Films
Matthew Rytting and Dr. Karine Chesnel, Department of Physics and Astronomy In my project, we proposed to investigate the effect of field cooling on magnetic domain memory in ferromagnetic films which are exchange coupled with antiferromagnetic material. We analyzed this memory using X-ray speckle correlation, and we performed complementary microscopy measurements so as to get […]
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