Dr. Stacy Taniguchi, Dr. Peter Ward, and Dr. Mark Widmer, Department of Experience Design and Management HISTORY In January 2016, Stacy Taniguchi, Ph.D., Peter Ward, Ph.D., and Mark Widmer, Ph.D. from the Department of Recreation Management (RECM), received one of two Mentoring Environment Grants (MEGs) awarded to the Department by Brigham Young University’s (BYU) Office […]
The School Based Family: Coaches and Teachers as Parental Figures for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Ugandan Schools
Dr. Stacy Taniguchi, Department of Recreation Management and Youth Leadership The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the possible formation of surrogate families within Ugandan schools to potentially provide a context for positive development experiences, especially for orphans who lack positive development opportunities provided by parents. The sample for this study consisted of […]
The School Based Family: Coaches and Teachers as Parental Figures for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Ugandan Schools
Dr. Stacy Taniguchi, Department of Recreation Management and Youth Leadership The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the possible formation of surrogate families within Ugandan schools to potentially provide a context for positive development experiences, especially for orphans who lack positive development opportunities provided by parents. The sample for this study consisted of […]