Aaron Sainsbury and Thomas Meservy, Information Systems Introduction Research plays a vital role in the advancement of knowledge. In conjunction, feedback through idea exchange, peer reviews, and formal reviews play a vital role in every research project. With the current academic organizations in place, the impact of feedback is not fully realized because of the […]
Real-Time Webpage Adaptation for Improved User Accessibility
Parker Williams and Jeff Jenkins, Information Systems Introduction Hand tremors are experienced by millions of individuals on a daily basis, the main cause being neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Essential Tremor, “a progressive neurologic condition that causes involuntary rhythmic trembling of the hands,” affects 10 million Americans of all ages1. It is estimated that 87% […]
Exploring how Dual-Task Interference Influences End-User Secure Behavior
K Shane Reeves and Jeffrey Jenkins, Information Systems Introduction Finding ways to help people behave securely is of great value and importance to companies worldwide. Policies are often created to help enforce secure behavior; however, policies are not always followed, even if they seem simple and clear. To further promote secure behavior, our research focuses […]
Look Sharp! How Eye Tracking and Memory Explain Susceptibility to Phishing
Ian Jones and Anthony Vance, Information Systems Warning messages are one of the last lines of defense in computer security and are fundamental to users’ security interactions with technology. Consequently, researchers have actively sought to understand how users interact with security warnings and why warnings are so pervasively ignored. A key contributor to the disregard […]
Increasing User Password Strength by Introducing Group Dynamics
Lee J Hinkle, Arthur Weagel, and Spencer Bean Abstract Password strength is an issue of growing concern. As more and more personal information, including financial information, is stored online, creating strong passwords to safeguard this information is paramount. In this study we draw from Asch’s conformity experiments and other group conformance-related psychology research to develop […]
Making Systems Users Accountable through User Interface Design Features
Lee Wood and Dr. Anthony Vance, Dept. of Information Systems The purpose of this research was to determine how features of the user interface of an information system could be designed to increase users’ perceptions of accountability within the system, and thereby decrease levels of unauthorized access. One of the most persistent problems of information […]
Kirk Ouimet and Dr. Anthony Vance At the beginning of the year Tony and I started our journey to find out if real-time feedback during the account creation process on a website would result in users creating stronger passwords. While the project has been larger than we thought, I am very pleased with the progress […]
Sweepstakes Craze
Andrew Eaton and Dr. Doug Dean, School of Accountancy and Information Systems Type in the word “FREE” on Yahoo! And you get nearly 10,000 results. In the rage of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” and popular voyeur reality TV shows with prize money of a million dollars, offering cash and prizes as incentives to […]
Enterprise Technology on Trial
M Cody Woods and Dr. Conan Albrecht, School of Accountancy and Information Systems Corporations in today’s high-tech business world must be fully networked internally and externally to be competitive. Quick development and employment of connection applications is vital to a corporation’s success. Only by effectively connecting internally to all divisions and externally to customers, suppliers […]
The Perceived Impact of Accounting Statements No. 141 & 142
Benjamin Titera and Dr. Earl Kay Stice, Accounting and Information Systems FASB Statements No. 141&142 concern the proper accounting for business combinations, intangible assets, and goodwill. Since the implementation of these standards had the potential to greatly influence business transactions, my research was designed to target the manner in which U.S. business executives perceive the […]