Danielle Shurtleff Professor Lynn Henrichsen, TESOL, Linguistics
People from a wide variety of different backgrounds and ages participate in teaching English to speakers of other languages. Many will be going abroad to countries where people need English to advance their education or employment. A majority of them will not have the training and experience that they should have to effectively teach English and are not in a position, due to finances, timing, or location, to get a TESOL degree or certificate. I am working with Dr. Henrichsen on a project that will solve the problem of inexperienced teachers going abroad with little or no knowledge or experience. This project consists of a book and a website that will give these teachers “The Least You Should Know” (TLYSK) before they go abroad and teach.
Last summer, Dr. Henrichsen traveled to China, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Mozambique, Swaziland, and back to the U.S. Along the way, he filmed English classes taught by both novice and experienced teachers. These films will be used in our research and will be posted as examples on the TLYSK website. This past semester, I have gone through the thirty-plus hours of film observing the teaching methods of the teachers and cataloging the videos so that they can be easily referenced. The video clips were added to the website to provide real life examples of volunteers teaching English in foreign classrooms. Many of the teachers are BYU students doing internships for the first time. These clips give inexperienced teachers an idea of what it will be like when they travel abroad and will prepare them in a way that they cannot get from reading.
The finished product is a book and a website that will be available to the public, but more specifically to those who will go abroad and teach English to speakers of other languages. The website is called The Least You Should Know About Teaching a Second of Foreign Language and should be available to the public within the next year. There is a team of people working on the construction of the site. I went through all of the video that Dr. Henrichsen shot of volunteer teachers in their classrooms and selected clips that would fit best with the different chapters that are illustrated in the website. When exploring the website, one can select a clip and be put instantly in a real life teaching experience. The book is also still in the process of being completed. The book will be more of a hard copy of the website, with more than thirty chapters that will be supplemented with photos and experiences from volunteer and experienced teachers.
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