Brad Berges
Academic objectives achieved
6 aims were stated in the proposal:
1. Isolate phage that can kill MRSA
What did we accomplish? We isolated 6 new bacteriophage that can lyse Staph aureus from areas inhabited by chickens, and we also isolated 6 additional bacteriophage from other sources.
2. Isolate new MRSA strains
What did we accomplish? We isolated 23 chicken isolates of Staph aureus, including 7 MRSA strains. We isolated 17 turkey isolates of Staph aureus, including 4 MRSA strains. We also obtained pork and beef isolates of SA and MRSA
3. Determine effectiveness of new phage in killing MRSA
What did we accomplish? We showed that these phage can decontaminate surfaces and materials that contain MRSA.
4. Characterize the viral genome
What did we accomplish? Spencer Bagley is still working on this aim. He has viral DNA from a few of the phage isolates and is still preparing DNA for the others. I anticipate sequencing these genomes in a single Illumina run within the next 3-4 months. We intend to publish these results together with the electron microscopy of new phage particles mentioned below.
5. Perform electron microscopy of new phage particles
What did we accomplish? Jacob Hatch obtained images of most of our phage. We intend to publish these results together with the viral genome characterization mentioned above.
6. Decontaminate food products and surfaces
What did we accomplish? We showed that these phage can decontaminate surfaces and materials that contain MRSA. The decontamination results are published in the first publication listed below. We achieved >99% decontamination of some SA isolates in some circumstances.
Mentoring Plan
I followed the mentoring plan as outlined in the proposal. We had weekly lab meetings, I met with each student once per week, and we had informal lab get-togethers at my home 1-2 times per year.
Students mentored
MS students: Kyle Jensen, Trevor Wienclaw
Undergraduate students: Ben Haws, Sam Schriever, Kyler Haskell, Bryan Hair, Jacob Hatch, Tyler White, Matt Conley, Lisa Deus, Taalin Rasmussen, Spencer Bagley, Aaron Trent, Mark Murdock
High School Student Erik Berges
1. We published a paper in 2015 in PLoS ONE.
–Jensen, Kyle C., Hair, Bryan B., Wienclaw, Trevor M., Murdock, Mark H., Hatch, Jacob B., Trent, Aaron T., White, Tyler D., Haskell, Kyler J., and Berges, Bradford K. Isolation and Host Range of Bacteriophage with Lytic Activity against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Potential use as a Fomite Decontaminant. PLoS ONE, 2015 10(7): e0131714.
2. We have a manuscript currently under review at International Journal of Food Microbiology. –Haskell, Kyler J., Schriever, Samuel R., Haws, Benjamin, Hair, Bryan B., Wienclaw, Trevor M., Heaton, Matthew J., and Berges, Bradford K. Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus in four types of raw meat samples in the state of Utah, United States, and characterization of antibiotic resistance.
3. Another manuscript is currently in preparation. That new manuscript focuses on the differences in antibiotic resistance to 10 common antibiotics when examining Staph aureus isolates found in organic (antibiotic-free) poultry meat versus regular poultry meat (raised with antibiotics). This study has produced an additional 10 SA isolates from organic chicken and 7 SA isolates from organic turkey to date.
The budget was spent as was described in the original application: