Seay, David
Elisa von der Recke: Volume IV of the Critically Edited Collected Works
Restored Sheet Music
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michelle James, German & Russian Department
My project involved recording and publishing restored music from the 18th century. BYU’s “Mentored Research Sophia Project,” led by staff within the German & Russian Department, is creating a Complete Works Anthology of Eliza von der Recke, a German poet of the 18th century. Part of the anthology will include a chapter that covers all the musical compositions that set Recke’s poetry to music. Several big name composers set Recke’s poetry to music, including CPE Bach and Carl Loewe. My contribution to the Anthology was to transcribe the all of the old printed music into modern sheet music format, and also to create a recorded album of selected songs from the collection of music.
The recording and the book of sheet music have been completed, and both will be published with the Complete Works Anthology of Eliza von der Recke. The publisher has not yet been selected, but will most likely be an online publishing company.