Stacey Shaw, Social Work Successful refugee adaptation to life in the United States (U.S.) has traditionally been measured in terms of economic self-sufficiency and English language acquisition. While these indicators may relate to independence and acculturation, major questions remain about how refugees fare in the U.S. Recent programmatic efforts incorporate attention to integration, wellbeing, empowerment, […]
Outcomes of Children Reunified from Institutional Care in Ghana
Kevin Shafer, Social Work Both attachment theories and current research suggest that institutional care (more popularly thought of as orphanages) does not meet the attachment needs of children, which has strong negative consequences over the life-course. While preventing a child’s separation from a parent or parents is ideal, reunification may be the next best option […]
Marital Quality in Remarriage
Dr. Kevin Shafer Project Goals There were four goals of this MEG project. Unlike most MEG projects, I employed graduate students because the School of Social Work lacks undergraduate students. Below I outline the four goals of the project and discuss how each goal was met. Notably, we found some interesting effects related to relationship […]